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Statue of Bacco, Villa Augustea, complex of Roman structures dating back mostly to the 2nd century AD, Somma Vesuviana, Campania, Italy
AGI7909 - Statue of Bacco, Villa Augustea, complex of ...
Statue of Bacco, Villa Augustea, complex of Roman structures dating back mostly to the 2nd century AD, Somma vesuviana, Campania, Italy
AGI7894 - Statue of Bacco, Villa Augustea, complex of ...
Statue of Bacco, Villa Augustea, Roman structures dating mostly to the 2nd century AD, Somma Vesuviana, Campania, Italy
AGI7902 - Statue of Bacco, Villa Augustea, Roman structures dating mostly to the 2nd century AD, Somma Vesuviana, Campania, Italy
Villa Augustea, complex of Roman structures dating back mostly to the 2nd century AD, Somma Vesuviana, Campania, Italy
AGI7898 - Villa Augustea, complex of Roman structures ...
Villa Augustea, complex of Roman structures dating back mostly to the 2nd century AD, Somma Vesuviana, Campania, Italy
AGI7921 - Villa Augustea, complex of Roman structures ...
Castello Ducale Castle, It was built by the Lombards around the second half of the eighth century, Bisaccia, Irpinia, Campania, Italy
AGI7938 - Castello Ducale Castle, It was built by the ...
Wheat fields, Bisaccia, Irpinia, Campania, Italy
AGI7963 - Wheat fields, Bisaccia, Irpinia, Campania, Italy
Castello Ducale Castle, It was built by the Lombards around the second half of the eighth century, Bisaccia, Irpinia, Campania, Italy
AGI7940 - Castello Ducale Castle, It was built by the Lombards around the second half of the eighth century, Bisaccia, Irpinia, Ca...
Tuorno waterfalls, Savoia di Lucania, Basilicata, Italy
AGI7979 - Tuorno waterfalls, Savoia di Lucania, Basili...
View of the Alburni mountains from the gulf of Salerno, Campania, Italy
AGI7984 - View of the Alburni mountains from the gulf of Salerno, Campania, Italy
punta licosa, san marco di castellabate, campania, italy
AGI7989 - punta licosa, san marco di castellabate, campania, italy
Vallivona sinkhole, cervati mountain, casalbuono, sanza, piaggine, campania, italy
AGI7970 - Vallivona sinkhole, cervati mountain, casalb...
restoration of theTavola lucana, Leonardo da Vinci (attribution), fat tempera of the wood, Museum of the Antiche genti di Lucania, Vaglio, Potenza, Basilicata, Italy
AGI7870 - restoration of theTavola lucana, Leonardo da...
Restoration of the Tavola lucana, Leonardo da Vinci (attribution), fat tempera of the wood, Museum of the Antiche genti di Lucania, Vaglio, Potenza, Basilicata, Italy
AGI7859 - Restoration of the Tavola lucana, Leonardo d...
Tavola lucana, Leonardo da Vinci (attribution), fat tempera of the wood, Museum of the Antiche genti di Lucania, Vaglio, Potenza, Basilicata, Italy
AGI7840 - Tavola lucana, Leonardo da Vinci (attributio...
Director Nicola Barbatelli, Tavola lucana, Leonardo da Vinci (attribution), fat tempera of the wood, Museum of the Antiche genti di Lucania, Vaglio, Potenza, Basilicata, Italy
AGI7844 - Director Nicola Barbatelli, Tavola lucana, Leonardo da Vinci (attribution), fat tempera of the wood, Museum of the Antic...
Machines of the Leonardo da Vinci, Museum of the Antiche genti di Lucania, Vaglio, Potenza, Basilicata, Italy
AGI7848 - Machines of the Leonardo da Vinci, Museum of the Antiche genti di Lucania, Vaglio, Potenza, Basilicata, Italy
Machines of the Leonardo da Vinci, Museum of the Antiche genti di Lucania, Vaglio, Potenza, Basilicata, Italy
AGI7849 - Machines of the Leonardo da Vinci, Museum of the Antiche genti di Lucania, Vaglio, Potenza, Basilicata, Italy
Machines of the Leonardo da Vinci, Museum of the Antiche genti di Lucania, Vaglio, Potenza, Basilicata, Italy
AGI7850 - Machines of the Leonardo da Vinci, Museum of the Antiche genti di Lucania, Vaglio, Potenza, Basilicata, Italy
Professor Giancarlo Napoli, restoration of theTavola lucana, Leonardo da Vinci (attribution), fat tempera of the wood, Museum of the Antiche genti di Lucania, Vaglio, Potenza, Basilicata, Italy
AGI7854 - Professor Giancarlo Napoli, restoration of t...
Professor Giancarlo Napoli, restoration of theTavola lucana, Leonardo da Vinci (attribution), fat tempera of the wood, Museum of the Antiche genti di Lucania, Vaglio, Potenza, Basilicata, Italy
AGI7855 - Professor Giancarlo Napoli, restoration of t...
Archaeological park of Elea-Velia, panorama of the medieval tower and the Acropolis, from the ridge of the gods, Ascea, Campania, Italy
AGI7558 - Archaeological park of Elea-Velia, panorama ...
Archaeological Park of Elea-Velia, Porta Rosa (4th century BC), Ascea, Campania, Italy
AGI7583 - Archaeological Park of Elea-Velia, Porta Rosa (4th century BC), Ascea, Campania, Italy
Archaeological Park of Elea-Velia, Southern District, view of the Roman Necropolis of Porta Marina Sud with the thermal complex and the entrance gate to the city, Ascea, Campania, Italy
AGI7567 - Archaeological Park of Elea-Velia, Southern District, view of the Roman Necropolis of Porta Marina Sud with the thermal ...
Archaeological park of Elea-Velia - the Roman theater with the medieval tower, Ascea, Campania, Italy
AGI7568 - Archaeological park of Elea-Velia - the Roma...
Archaeological park of Elea-Velia - the Roman theater with the medieval tower and the Palatine chapel, Ascea, Campania, Italy
AGI7571 - Archaeological park of Elea-Velia - the Roma...
Archaeological park of Elea-Velia, panorama of the medieval tower and the Acropolis, from the ridge of the gods with the ancient city walls and sacred terraces, Ascea, Campania, Italy
AGI7577 - Archaeological park of Elea-Velia, panorama ...
Archaeological Park of Elea-Velia, Porta Rosa (4th century BC), Ascea, Campania, Italy
AGI7586 - Archaeological Park of Elea-Velia, Porta Rosa (4th century BC), Ascea, Campania, Italy
Archaeological park of Elea-Velia, furnace specialized in the production of Velini bricks, Ascea, Campania, Italy
AGI7591 - Archaeological park of Elea-Velia, furnace specialized in the production of Velini bricks, Ascea, Campania, Italy
Stele with inscription in Greek, permanent exhibition on the finds of Elea-Velia, Palazzo De Dominicis-Ricci, Ascea, Campania, Italy
AGI7592 - Stele with inscription in Greek, permanent exhibition on the finds of Elea-Velia, Palazzo De Dominicis-Ricci, Ascea, Cam...
Permanent exhibition on the finds of Elea-Velia, Palazzo De Dominicis-Ricci, Ascea, Campania, Italy
AGI7601 - Permanent exhibition on the finds of Elea-Velia, Palazzo De Dominicis-Ricci, Ascea, Campania, Italy
Fresco, permanent exhibition on the finds of Elea-Velia, Palazzo De Dominicis-Ricci, Ascea, Campania, Italy
AGI7597 - Fresco, permanent exhibition on the finds of...
Fresco with the representation of Hercules, permanent exhibition on the finds of Elea-Velia, Palazzo De Dominicis-Ricci, Ascea, Campania, Italy
AGI7595 - Fresco with the representation of Hercules, permanent exhibition on the finds of Elea-Velia, Palazzo De Dominicis-Ricci,...
Archaeological park of Elea-Velia, Terme Adrianee (2nd century AD) Detail of mosaic with black and white tesserae, Ascea, Campania, Italy; UNESCO; World Heritage Site
AGI7673 - Archaeological park of Elea-Velia, Terme Adr...
Archaeological Park of Elea-Velia, Terme Adrianee (2nd century AD), Ascea, Campania, Italy; UNESCO; World Heritage Site
AGI7674 - Archaeological Park of Elea-Velia, Terme Adrianee (2nd century AD), Ascea, Campania, Italy; UNESCO; World Heritage Site
Archaeological Park of Elea-Velia, Acropolis and base of the Hellenistic Temple and medieval fortifications, Ascea, Campania, Italy
AGI7552 - Archaeological Park of Elea-Velia, Acropolis...
The spire of the Immaculate, Piazza Salandra, Nardō, Lecce, Puglia, Italy, Europe
AGI7549 - The spire of the Immaculate, Piazza Salandra, Nardō, Lecce, Puglia, Italy, Europe
The spire of the Immaculate, Piazza Salandra, Nardō, Lecce, Puglia, Italy, Europe
AGI7544 - The spire of the Immaculate, Piazza Salandra, Nardō, Lecce, Puglia, Italy, Europe
The spire of the Immaculate, Piazza Salandra, Nardō, Lecce, Puglia, Italy, Europe
AGI7545 - The spire of the Immaculate, Piazza Salandra...
The spire of the Immaculate, Piazza Salandra, Nardō, Lecce, Puglia, Italy, Europe
AGI7547 - The spire of the Immaculate, Piazza Salandra...
Basilica of Santa Caterina d'Alessandria, Galatina, Lecce, Puglia, Italy, Europe
AGI7516 - Basilica of Santa Caterina d'Alessandria, Galatina, Lecce, Puglia, Italy, Europe
The convent, Basilica of Santa Caterina d'Alessandria, Galatina, Lecce, Puglia, Italy, Europe
AGI7519 - The convent, Basilica of Santa Caterina d'Al...
Baroque portal, Galatina, Lecce, Puglia, Italy, Europe
AGI7525 - Baroque portal, Galatina, Lecce, Puglia, Ita...
Galatina, Lecce, Puglia, Italy, Europe
AGI7523 - Galatina, Lecce, Puglia, Italy, Europe
Church of San Domenico, Nardō, Lecce, Puglia, Italy, Europe
AGI7529 - Church of San Domenico, Nardō, Lecce, Puglia...
Chiesa dei Santi Pietro e Paolo church, Galatina in St. Peter's square, Galatina, Lecce, Puglia, Italy, Europe
AGI7499 - Chiesa dei Santi Pietro e Paolo church, Gala...
Ragazzo morso dal ramarro di Michelangelo Merisi detto il Caravaggio, exhibition Caravaggio e i Caravaggeschi, Aragonese castle, Otranto, Puglia, Italy, Europe
AGI7492 - Ragazzo morso dal ramarro di Michelangelo Me...
View from the castle of Gallipoli, Lecce, Puglia, Italy, Europe
AGI7404 - View from the castle of Gallipoli, Lecce, Puglia, Italy, Europe
The roman amphitheater, Lecce, Puglia, Italy, Europe
AGI7381 - The roman amphitheater, Lecce, Puglia, Italy...
Aragonese castle, Otranto, Puglia, Italy, Europe
AGI7415 - Aragonese castle, Otranto, Puglia, Italy, Eu...
Relics of the Martyrs of Otranto, cathedral of Santa Maria Annunziata, Otranto, Puglia, Italy, Europe
AGI7434 - Relics of the Martyrs of Otranto, cathedral ...
The cathedral of Santa Maria Annunziata, Otranto, Puglia, Italy, Europe
AGI7442 - The cathedral of Santa Maria Annunziata, Otranto, Puglia, Italy, Europe
Seafront of heroes and Alfonsiniana tower, Otranto, Puglia, Italy, Europe
AGI7447 - Seafront of heroes and Alfonsiniana tower, Otranto, Puglia, Italy, Europe
Underground of the Aragonese castle, Otranto, Puglia, Italy, Europe
AGI7473 - Underground of the Aragonese castle, Otranto, Puglia, Italy, Europe
The church of San Pietro, Otranto, Puglia, Italy, Europe
AGI7454 - The church of San Pietro, Otranto, Puglia, Italy, Europe
The church of San Pietro, Otranto, Puglia, Italy, Europe
AGI7452 - The church of San Pietro, Otranto, Puglia, Italy, Europe
Aragonese castle, Otranto, Puglia, Italy, Europe
AGI7467 - Aragonese castle, Otranto, Puglia, Italy, Europe
Underground of the Aragonese castle, Otranto, Puglia, Italy, Europe
AGI7470 - Underground of the Aragonese castle, Otranto, Puglia, Italy, Europe
Aragonese castle, Otranto, Puglia, Italy, Europe
AGI7477 - Aragonese castle, Otranto, Puglia, Italy, Europe
Cathedral in piazza Duomo, Lecce, Puglia, Italy, Europe
AGI7390 - Cathedral in piazza Duomo, Lecce, Puglia, It...
The roman amphitheater, Lecce, Puglia, Italy, Europe
AGI7384 - The roman amphitheater, Lecce, Puglia, Italy, Europe
Nativity shepherds, Museum, the monumental complex of San Lorenzo Maggiore, Naples, Campania, Italy, Europe
AGI7181 - Nativity shepherds, Museum, the monumental complex of San Lorenzo Maggiore, Naples, Campania, Italy, Europe
Lunch time, Positano, Campania, Italy, Europe
AGI7247 - Lunch time, Positano, Campania, Italy, Europe
Cityscape of Positano, Campania, Italy, Europe
AGI7253 - Cityscape of Positano, Campania, Italy, Euro...
Villa Campolieto villas, noble residence of the Bourbon era, Miglio d'oro road, Ercolano, Campania, Italy, Europa
AGI6927 - Villa Campolieto villas, noble residence of the Bourbon era, Miglio d'oro road, Ercolano, Campania, Italy, Europa
Villa Campolieto villas, noble residence of the Bourbon era, Miglio d'oro road, Ercolano, Campania, Italy, Europa
AGI6929 - Villa Campolieto villas, noble residence of the Bourbon era, Miglio d'oro road, Ercolano, Campania, Italy, Europa
Villa Campolieto villas, noble residence of the Bourbon era, Miglio d'oro road, Ercolano, Campania, Italy, Europa
AGI6939 - Villa Campolieto villas, noble residence of the Bourbon era, Miglio d'oro road, Ercolano, Campania, Italy, Europa
Villa Campolieto villas, noble residence of the Bourbon era, Miglio d'oro road, Ercolano, Campania, Italy, Europa
AGI6943 - Villa Campolieto villas, noble residence of the Bourbon era, Miglio d'oro road, Ercolano, Campania, Italy, Europa
Vesuvius volcano, Vesuvius National Park, Naples, Campania, Italy, Europe
AGI6948 - Vesuvius volcano, Vesuvius National Park, Naples, Campania, Italy, Europe
Miliscola beach, Bacoli village, gulf of Pozzuoli, Campania, Italy, Europa
AGI6968 - Miliscola beach, Bacoli village, gulf of Pozzuoli, Campania, Italy, Europa
Vesuvius volcano, Vesuvius National Park, Naples, Campania, Italy, Europe
AGI6956 - Vesuvius volcano, Vesuvius National Park, Naples, Campania, Italy, Europe
Vesuvius volcano, Vesuvius National Park, Naples, Campania, Italy, Europe
AGI6960 - Vesuvius volcano, Vesuvius National Park, Naples, Campania, Italy, Europe
Old house, San Marco di Castellabate, Campania, Italy, Europe
AGI6972 - Old house, San Marco di Castellabate, Campan...
Punta Licosa cape, San Marco di Castellabate, Campania, Italy, Europe
AGI6987 - Punta Licosa cape, San Marco di Castellabate, Campania, Italy, Europe
The Capri island seen from Punta Campanella cape, Massa Lubrense, Campania, Italy, Europe
AGI7046 - The Capri island seen from Punta Campanella ...
Detail of frescoes, Basilica of the Holy Martyrs, early christian basilicas of Cimitile village, Cimitile, Campania, Italy, Europe
AGI7069 - Detail of frescoes, Basilica of the Holy Martyrs, early christian basilicas of Cimitile village, Cimitile, Campania, Ita...
Fopreshortening of Positano, Campania, Italy, Europe
AGI7077 - Fopreshortening of Positano, Campania, Italy, Europe
Cityscape  of Positano, Amalfi coast, with the church of Santa Maria Assunta, Positano, Campania, Italy, Europe
AGI7078 - Cityscape of Positano, Amalfi coast, with t...
Cityscape  of Positano, Amalfi coast, with the church of Santa Maria Assunta, Positano, Campania, Italy, Europe
AGI7093 - Cityscape of Positano, Amalfi coast, with t...
Sunset cityscape  of Positano, Amalfi coast, with the church of Santa Maria Assunta, Positano, Campania, Italy, Europe
AGI7122 - Sunset cityscape of Positano, Amalfi coast,...
Neapolis underground, the monumental complex of San Lorenzo Maggiore, Naples, Campania, Italy, Europe
AGI7144 - Neapolis underground, the monumental complex of San Lorenzo Maggiore, Naples, Campania, Italy, Europe
Neapolis underground, the monumental complex of San Lorenzo Maggiore, Naples, Campania, Italy, Europe
AGI7153 - Neapolis underground, the monumental complex...
Museum, the monumental complex of San Lorenzo Maggiore, Naples, Campania, Italy, Europe
AGI7170 - Museum, the monumental complex of San Lorenzo Maggiore, Naples, Campania, Italy, Europe
Cityscape of Positano, Campania, Italy, Europe
AGI7218 - Cityscape of Positano, Campania, Italy, Euro...
Swabian castle of Trani, Trani, Apulia, Italy, Europe
AGI6908 - Swabian castle of Trani, Trani, Apulia, Ital...
Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, Trani, Apulia, Italy, Europe
AGI6920 - Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, Trani, Apulia, Italy, Europe
Casa della Venere in Conchiglia, Pompeii Archeological Park, UNESCO, World Heritage Site, Pompei, Campania, Italy, Europe
AGI6651 - Casa della Venere in Conchiglia, Pompeii Archeological Park, UNESCO, World Heritage Site, Pompei, Campania, Italy, Europ...
Casa della Venere in Conchiglia, Pompeii Archeological Park, UNESCO, World Heritage Site, Pompei, Campania, Italy, Europe
AGI6655 - Casa della Venere in Conchiglia, Pompeii Archeological Park, UNESCO, World Heritage Site, Pompei, Campania, Italy, Europ...
Casa della Venere in Conchiglia, Pompeii Archeological Park, UNESCO, World Heritage Site, Pompei, Campania, Italy, Europe
AGI6658 - Casa della Venere in Conchiglia, Pompeii Arc...
Casa dell'Efebo, Pompeii Archeological Park, UNESCO, World Heritage Site, Pompei, Campania, Italy, Europe
AGI6661 - Casa dell'Efebo, Pompeii Archeological Park, UNESCO, World Heritage Site, Pompei, Campania, Italy, Europe
Castello di Lagopesole, Castel Lagopesole, Avigliano, Potenza, Basilicata, Italy, Europe
AGI6671 - Castello di Lagopesole, Castel Lagopesole, Avigliano, Potenza, Basilicata, Italy, Europe
Castello di Lagopesole, Castel Lagopesole, Avigliano, Potenza, Basilicata, Italy, Europe
AGI6674 - Castello di Lagopesole, Castel Lagopesole, A...
Castello di Lagopesole, Castel Lagopesole, Avigliano, Potenza, Basilicata, Italy, Europe
AGI6678 - Castello di Lagopesole, Castel Lagopesole, Avigliano, Potenza, Basilicata, Italy, Europe
Medieval castle of Melfi, Melfi, Basilicata, Italy, Europe
AGI6681 - Medieval castle of Melfi, Melfi, Basilicata, Italy, Europe
Cityscape of Melfi, Potenza, Basilicata, Italy, Europe
AGI6698 - Cityscape of Melfi, Potenza, Basilicata, Ita...
Historycal center, Capua cityscape, Capua, Campania, Italy, Europe
AGI6722 - Historycal center, Capua cityscape, Capua, C...
Church of SS. Annunziata, Capua, Campania, Italy, Europe
AGI6705 - Church of SS. Annunziata, Capua, Campania, Italy, Europe
Historycal center, Capua cityscape, Capua, Campania, Italy, Europe
AGI6716 - Historycal center, Capua cityscape, Capua, Campania, Italy, Europe
Historycal center, Capua cityscape, Capua, Campania, Italy, Europe
AGI6717 - Historycal center, Capua cityscape, Capua, C...
Medioeval frescoes, Benedictine Basilica of Sant'Angelo in Formis, Capua, Campania, Italy, Europe
AGI6754 - Medioeval frescoes, Benedictine Basilica of Sant'Angelo in Formis, Capua, Campania, Italy, Europe
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